Wednesday, June 18, 2008

One other thought about my mom.

With the upcoming new addition to my family I have been thinking a lot about my mom. She would have LOVED the room we built for our son. She loves stuff like that, and I could have counted on plenty of help from her with decoration fluff (stuffed animals etc) I'm sure. Unfortunatly I think she's in Heaven, teaching my son all the bad stuff I did when I was young as kind of a sick revenge....

On one of the last days I had with mom, when she was still lucid, I was having a very difficult time. I wept as I told her that I wish that this had not happened to her, that I wished she didnt have to go through all of this (she was in an incredible amount of pain). Her reply was well as deeply moving she said...

"ME TOO! But...if this is what the Lord wants me to do, then I will do it."

My mom is amazing...she's great. I miss her a great deal.

Monday, June 16, 2008

A fast one...

#1) My wife is amazing. Thanks for being great Rae!.

1. Where is your cell phone? ....................desk
2. Your significant other?.......................amazing
3. Your hair?....................................longer
4. Your mother? .................................sentimental
5. Your father?..................................amazing
6. Your favorite thing?
7. Your dream last night?........................non-exsitent
8. Your favorite drink...........................MtnDew (I had to make that one word)
9. Your dream/goal?..............................Happiness
10. The room you're in?..........................Popcorn
11. Your children?...............................Weekend
12. Your fear?...................................Alone
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years...........Happy
14. Where were you last night?...................Moms
15. What you're not?.............................Awake!
16. Muffins......................................Meadow?
17. One of your wish list items?.................House
18. Where you grew up?...........................Utah
19. What you read
20. What are you wearing?........................Clothes
21. Your TV?.....................................Home
22. Your pets?...................................Paranoid
23. Your computer? ..............................Works
24. Your life?...................................Cool
25. Your mood?...................................exhausted
26. Missing someone?.............................Wife
27. Your car?....................................unknown
28. Something you're not wearing?................bra?
29. Favorite Store?..............................BestBuy
30. Your summer?.................................Temperate
31. Like someone?................................lots
32. Your favorite color?.........................maroon
33. Last time you laughed........................always
34. Last time you cried?.........................Dunno