Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Jan 1st, 2013.  We close another year and I have the following advice:

The year was full of events.  Some you would call good, some you would call bad.  I submit to you that if you can learn this one lesson, you can free yourself from the life you thought you were stuck with.  That lesson is this:

Events are just events.  They have no values, no morals and no meaning.  They have only the meaning that YOU assign to them.  Don't feel bad, its what you were programmed to do.  All your life you have been programmed to know the right answer, raise your hand, do as you were told and interpret everything that came your way.  This has made you a reactionary person.

Given that the only meaning an event has, is the meaning YOU give it...isn't it time for you to assign values that help you grow, and not hold you back?

Remember...a brick is a brick...it can build an orphanage or be thrown through a window.  The brick has no meaning...you got a flat tire....thats it...there is no 'and....' to complete the sentence.

Here's the rub.  Something happened to you when you were younger...and THAT event made you THINK or BELIEVE something about that event and events like it....now and forever...that event will be reacted to by YOU because of something that happened WAY back in time.  Silly, that you're continuing to relive your past each time a new event happens to you...isn't it?  Does it start to make sense why you feel like your life never changes and you're stuck in a RUT?  Well...guess what...its YOUR fault.  STOP!  Every moment is an event, and YOU have the POWER to assign whatever meaning to it that you want.....to grow, to prosper, to reach your dreams.

I'll end this blog with one other bit.  This year you want something...lets say your goal is to have more intimacy in your relationship.... GUESS WHAT!?!  You cant persue it.  The things you want most in life cannot be persued like a target.....your goals are not targets, they are the arrows.  To HAVE more intimacy in your life, you need to BE more intimate and intimacy will find you.  To have more happiness in life you need to BE more happy where you are, with what you have, and HAPPINESS will find you....YOU are the target.  So this year, don't ask yourself what you need to DO to reach your goals...ask instead what you need to BE so your goals can find you.

Until next time,

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